Teaching Abacus Your Children This Pandemic Became Easier

Improve Your Child's Whole Brain with Our Mental Math Development Program starting today!

Here's The Thing: Kids Brain Development हर parent के लिए easy हे

Benefits of this wonderful Whole brain development program


Whole course is online

I had Created this online course through my 14 years of experience and whole Abacus course is designed in simple and effective way so kids can learn on their own time and from anywhere in the world


Online Practice

"Practice makes man perfect" and in Learn Abacus Online course practice is very important so we had created self check system so whenever kids submit there daily practice they will get result on screen and we both get same in mail inbox


Instant solutions

Whenever kids have question, query or doubts they have to just click on whatsapp button on Learn abacus online website for solution of the problem


Online Exam

After competing each Learn Abacus Online level kids have to complete level exam Online



Successful Student will get Digital Certifications on each Abacus level

“When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world”- Shai Reshef

हमारा Brain development program “Abacus” से मैथ्स बल्कि mental Maths सिखाता हे, जिससे बच्चे मैथ्स powerful हो जाते हे के कोई भी गिनती पलभर में कर लेते हे

लेकिन ये प्रोग्राम सिर्फ मैथ्स नहीं सिखाता! बल्कि Abacus के use से बच्चो का पूरा Brain Develop होता हे

अबेकस एक ancient calculator हे जिसकी खोज २ से ५ हजार साल पहले हुई थी

जिसके use से गिनती करने वाले अपने पुरे दिमाग का उसे करते हे

Abacus से गिनती करते वक़्त बच्चे अपने ३ senses का use करते हे जिससे उनका concentration Develop होता हे

abacus की प्रैक्टिस से बच्चो की photographic memory बढ़ती हे

उनकी creativity, Self – Confidence बढ़ता हे

और बच्चे हर subject में आगे रहते हे

हर बच्चा ये कोर्स कर सकता हे जो Perfect बनना चाहता हे

२०१६ में हमने ये ऑनलाइन प्रोग्राम डेवेलोप किया जिससे भक्ति जैसे सभी बच्चे अपने दिमाग से मैथ्स का दर भगा सके और अपना पूरा दिमाग तेज़ कर सके

पहला admission USA में हुआ विधि पटेल का उसके बाद उसके छोटे भाई कुश ने भी ये प्रोग्राम किया

कुश का performance एक स्कूल की competition में देख के वहासे ओरभी enrollments आने लगे

आइए जानते हे इस wonderful online कोर्स के बारेमे

वैसे तो आपके पास बहोत options हे अबेकस करने के लिए और वो सब सही हे

लेकिन मेने बहोत से प्रोब्लेम्स देखे अपने बरसो की जर्नी में

१ ज्यादा FEES
२ Pick n Drop
३ बच्चो को कुछ समझ ना आये तो पूछने के लिए wait karna
४ checking के लिए wait करना (बहोत)
५ personal attention नहीं मिल पाना
और बहोत इन सबको देख के मेने ये solution डिज़ाइन किया

ये पूरा प्रोग्राम इस तरीकेसे design किया हे जिससे हम सबको benefits हो
बच्चे अपने टाइम पर Learn कर सकते हे
कोई भी query हो वही पर एक ही click से पूछ सकते हे
प्रैक्टिस की चेकिंग तुरंत हो जाती हे और result आ जाता हे
हमें भी same result मेल में मिल जाता हे

हप्ते में एक दिन main Class होती हे जिससे कोई भी ये कोर्स कर सकता हे

यहाँ हमने कोई शॉर्टकट नहीं use किया traditional method का उसे करके ये कोर्स Step by Step design किया हे

यहाँ बच्चो को total 8 लेवल पर करने हे हर लेवल 3 महीने में complete करना होता हे


Only in few months have seen the differences in Vidhi and Kush. I Like the strategies, various techniques and practice methods, Learn Abacus Online course uses for Brain Development. It’s great program. Definitely kids have improved concentration memory power and learning skills. They have more confidence and most of all they love to learn Abacus.

Mrs. Chhayal Patel, U.S.A.

My friend's two kids completed Abacus course with Mr. Hitendra Makwana via online tutoring. During the Math competition, I saw my friend's son outperformed other kids with speedy calculation. So I enrolled my daughter Aarya to learn abacus taught by Mr. Hitendra Makwana via https://learnabacusonline.in/ (online) weekly lessons. He offers weekly lessons of 1.5 to 2 hours at a very reasonable fees accepted via paypal. Till date, my daughter has completed 7 months of learning Abacus and I can't say enough about how valuable he has been in improving my daughter's math skills. He is an amazing Abacus teacher, very organized and he has understandable approach to teaching Abacus. I am glad I have chosen him to teach my daughter. Thank you Mr. Makwana.

Mrs. Dipti Patel (Columbia, USA)

"A very helpful and a perfect teacher to learn Abacus step by step"​

Shruti Yadav Avyaan's Mother

"Very good platform to learn abacus online for kids & for parents also. Sir teaching is very good and understandable." Thank you sir.

Sanchita Jadhav, Hitanshu's Mother

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” – Benjamin Franklin.

Introducing Improve Your Child's Brain Skills: The Best Gift For Your Child

In Unbelievable Price 1499/- instead of 4899/-

Learn Abacus Online


you can access from any device

you can use this e-course from any device and help you kids


Lifetime access

User can access the Learn Abacus Online course lifetime


Make you kids a Math Genius

Learn and follow these easy steps and make your kid a math genius

Message from Instructor

Learn Abacus online, mental maths development

Greetings from Hitendra,

Your Kid is Lucky to have YOU as parent because you are thinking of his/her future so you are visiting this page. 

Our online Abacus course is the tool to develop whole brain of your kids with mental Math Development. 

After Years of servery we created this interactive online course for 5 to 14 years kids to develop their concentration, Memory, Learning ability, visualization skill, Self-confidence and much more with fun! 

I had created this wonderful online course in Hindi English Mix language so kids access anytime and from anywhere in the world.

I am working as a Brain Development Coach since 2007, and now my mission is to make 100000 Math genius and now so many parents as you connected with my mission. 

Thank you very Much India for You put Trust in us and now our Students are in Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Odisha, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh and counting.

We are always Ready to give the best and Thank you to be the part of our Mission ” Make Kids Math Genius”

Thanks & Regards

Hitendra Makvana

What Makes Us Different From Others?


As the course is online and lifetime access you can free to access and grab knowledge anytime in day or night it's totally upto you


Through this course I will help you in developing your kids whole brain


I am working as a brain development coach since 2007 and helped thousands of parents to develop their kids Brain


You can reply in this course if any guidance is required


I had made this course through my experience teaching thousands of students of different ages in easy and effective way


Join our Community after joining and get more stuff about kids overall development

Kids Have Lifetime Access to Learn Abacus Online Lessons

In Learn abacus online weekly lessons kids will learn to the point so we will go through easy steps and exercises so you can grab more knowledge of abacus calculations and become expert Step by step

What Should You Expect?

Through this course you can help you kids in following ways

We Just Don't Teach Kids To ABACUS, But making them more confident, more focused and more intelligent

Abacus and Mathematics both are used in this course for whole brain development. Through abacus tool when kids are doing sums they will use their 3 senses touch, hearing and vision so step by step they develop their concentration and memory, after completing 1st level means 90 days they are ready to start mental maths in this exercise they will visualize beads in mind and do calculations so instead of using logical (Left) Brain they will use their Creative (Right) Brain so through practice they will develop their right brain, self-confidence, creativity, imagination power and much more..

You Are Four Weeks Away From Making Your Child Fall in Love with Mathematics

Here's what we will cover step by step


Enroll in Learn Abacus Online

After enrollment you will get Abacus tool and 1st Level book at you Home within India no extra cost will be apply*


Start course

In Learn Abacus Online there are weekly one main class you can choose perfect day for class Saturday or Sunday


Daily Practice

Each week have Task to do, after completing weekly main class Kids have to finish their daily 10 to 15 minuets online practice on Learn abacus online website



For result kids have to do weekly task continuously and become Faster then a Calculator

Imagine This Day: Your Kid beat the Calculator

Yes this online course have the power that convert kids into a human calculator just follow the steps in course.

There are weekly 2 hours* main class and 10 to 15 minuets daily practice so one can easily do this course without disturbing school and study instead they will become more focused in school and study.

If you are thinking that which time is good for enrollment its best time it will take 5 minuets to complete process you can hit the whatssapp button to know more..

That's Not All! Every Tool, Template and Playbook You'll Need is Already Included

Bonus : Extraordinary Parenting eBook

Discover How To Bring Up Your Kids To Become Geniuses! Is the fact that you would like to learn to train your kids but just don't know how. This is making your life difficult... maybe even miserable?

Meet the Human Calculator Vidhi Patel

Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. 5 to 14 years kids can join this program and boost their hidden power of brain.

Ans: The abacus and the counting boards were the aids which were used to ease the calculations. In no way it can be compared with the calculators that we use today. While using these aids the person is actually doing the calculation on his mind, the abacus is only helping him keep a track of his calculations; which make the mental calculations much easier.

Ans: There are weekly approx 2 hrs main class (can access any time) and kids have to do daily 10-15 min online practice.

Ans: this is online course so kids can learn from home.

Ans: There are total 8 Levels Each level of 3 Months.

Ans: After enrollment each student will get their Online course lifetime access and also receive Abacus tool and Book at their Address* (within India no extra cost will apply*)

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